New developments in astrophysics and planetary science are always exciting, but providing a visual representation for public consumption...

Viewing the Great American Solar Eclipse of 2017--Safely
On August 21, 2017, a solar eclipse will be visible across a section the continental United States, coast to coast, for the first time...

THURSDAY’S SPACEX MISHAP: Why Exploding Rockets Are Not Always a Bad Thing
[Image courtesy USLaunchReport.com] Let’s face it: spaceflight is inherently risky, and getting into orbit is one of the most dangerous...

Curiosity Gets its Graduate Degree in Geology
Curiosity has gotten smarter: the Mars rover now has the capability to select ChemCam laser targets autonomously, allowing the four...

July 22, 1969: Apollo 11 Comes Home, Soviets Debate Struggling Moon Program...
Just before 1 a.m EDT on July 22, 1969, the crew of Apollo 11 fired the Service Propulsion System rocket engine at the rear of the...

JUNO: A Picture's Worth
This color view from NASA's Juno spacecraft is made from some of the first images taken by JunoCam after the spacecraft entered orbit...

JUNO: Seeing Jupiter Through New Eyes
• Juno at Jupiter Orbital Insertion (JOI). Image credit Lockheed Martin. When spacecraft encounter distant worlds, we are mesmerized by...

Music From the Moon? Nope...
A story has recently swept the internet about "strange space music" heard by the crew of Apollo 10 when they were looping the moon in...

Mighty Moon Engines Pt. 2
As the testing of the F1 evolved, it became clear that harmonic instabilities were causing failures. Of course, these instabilities had...

Mighty Moon Engines Pt. 1
The development of the Saturn V rocket entailed incredible challenges, but perhaps none so daunting as the creation of the F1 rocket...